
Broadway Golf Club

Fri 14

Course Status

Broadway Golf Club: Course Open. 4 Winter Greens. Buggies allowed with extra care, stick to semi-rough as much as possible.Next update 8.30 Saturday.

Full and 7 Day Membership

Full and 7 Day Membership Benefits:

   Unlimited golf 7 days a week*
   Access to all golf competitions, appropriate to your ability
   20% Discount on all bar drinks
   Excellent dining and use of the Clubhouse facility
   Ability to sign in up to 3 guests at any one time at preferential green fee rates.
   Free Golf at other “1895” Clubs (45 across the UK)
  Discounted green fees at 100s of clubs across the UK with the  County Card.

*Subject to tee booking and availability

The difference between Full and 7 Day membership is simply that Full membership has a lower annual subscription but with an entry fee.

The choice is yours. See the table below.

Membership Option Joining Fee * Annual Subs **
Full £1,000 £1330
7 Day (currently unavailable) - £1480

*The joining fee can be paid over 4 years plus there are group discounts available if more than one person joins the club together:-

2 persons joining together residing at the same address pay £500 each (payable over 2 years)
2 persons joining together residing at different addresses pay £750 each (payable over 3 years)
3 or more persons joining together residing at different addresses pay £500 each (payable over 2 years)
Existing members partners joining £250 (payable over 1 year)

**The annual subscription is paid by members on 1st January, either in full or by instalments, and is discounted for new members from the date of joining during the year.

Other Fees

EG/GGU (Male Playing)              £28.03

 EG/GLCGA (Female playing)     £24.25

Bar Levy***                                 £75

*** Members will have £75 deposited to their bar swipe cards to benefit from reduced members bar prices and which should be spent within the subscription year.  Any monies remaining from the £75 will be retained in the club funds as at 31st December.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.