
Broadway Golf Club

Fri 14

Course Status

Broadway Golf Club: Course Open. 4 Winter Greens. Buggies allowed with extra care, stick to semi-rough as much as possible.Next update 8.30 Saturday.

Club Sections





Men's Golf
Broadway Golf Club has a friendly, active and vibrant Mens Section. 


There are many different golfing experiences to enjoy as a Broadway GC Member.

A chat with our Club Professionals will normally give you some ideas regarding the best times to come and play. The Club Diary, along with the fortnightly White Boards, give a summary of the golfing calendar. However, Members are advised to check the BRS online Diary System, for any possible rearrangements.


The Main Competitions normally run between April and October on Saturday’s & Sunday’s. Medals and Trophies are played from the White Tees. The entry sheets are online on Master Scoreboard, normally 3 to 4 weeks before the Competition date.

Every month there are 2 Midweek Competitions, a Stableford and a Medal, either on a Wednesday or Thursday. These are less formal, played from the Yellow Tees and open all day. You enter in the Pro Shop and play with another Member/s.

If you are over 60, you automatically become eligible to join our very active Seniors Section. Their Competitions are played on Monday mornings.


There are four Teams:-

 ~ The 1st Team play in the NGFL League, the format is Scratch Matchplay Foursomes on Saturday afternoon. (5 at Home & 5 Away)

~ The B Team play 4BBB, mostly on a Saturday afternoon, although there are some matches played midweek throughout the season. Lists are put on the notice board in the Men’s Locker Room, for Members to put their names down. The B Team Captain, will always endeavour to give as many different players a game. (A mix of matches, Home & Away)

~ The Mixed Team have six matches, (3 at Home & 3 Away) all played on Sunday afternoons, playing a Greensomes format.  The lists and fixtures for this team are displayed on the notice board in the foyer.

~ The Seniors Section matches are posted on the Seniors notice board in the Men’s Locker Room.


Both the Singles and Pairs Matchplay Knockout Competitions will be advertised on the notice board, in the Men’s Locker Room. Entry lists and payment to be made in the Professional Shop.


We run a Winter League between November and March fortnightly, on Sunday mornings. Breakfast is available and there is a Shotgun Start. You require a partner for this Competition and prompt entry is recommended, as this very popular event, is always fully subscribed.


There are a number of ‘Fiddles’, these are informal groups, who meet up and play at various times during the week. They normally have an organiser and usually run on a Stableford format.

Details of some of the more established ones, are listed in the Club Diary. Once again, a chat with our Professionals, will point you in the right direction, to a group, a time of day and a specific day of the week.

These ‘Fiddles’ are probably the best way to meet other Members.

“Something for everyone” 


Broadway Ladies run four “competitive teams”

 The 1st and 2nd League Teams play in the “The Cotswold & District Ladies Golf Alliance” League – Divisions one and three respectively. Matches consist of seven players – scratch match play.

The Ladies Handicap League Team also participates in the Alliance

The B Team play friendly four-ball matches against other local clubs

In the past Broadway Ladies have been successful in the Mail on Sunday Competitions and in the recent Annodata Competitions.


The Ladies main competition day is Tuesday, with Saturday morning providing an opportunity for ladies that are still currently working to participate in qualifying and friendly competitions, including Medals, Stableford’s Texas Scrambles, Waltz’s, Pink Ball Competition’s and many more - all throughout the playing season.    


Both the Singles and Pairs Matchplay Knockout Competitions are advertised on the notice board, and the IG App and Website.


Winter League is organised between October and March – a pairs competition with each pair playing two rounds of 4BBB, Greensomes and Foursomes.


Broadway ladies are entering their second year within The R&A Women in Golf Charter, and plan further development including a more inclusive culture within golf for more women and girls to develop across all levels of the sport. The commitments and targets will ensure that ladies golf will continue to develop as a sport, and on all aspects of the club, from club governance to recruitment and retention. The Academy will become a regular function within the ladie’s section.


As within all the other sections friendly fiddles are very popular at Broadway.

The ladies have a roll up on Thursday’s – social golf is played and proves very popular with all ladies especially the higher handicappers who gain valuable experience.

Seniors Golf
Broadway Golf Club has a friendly, active and vibrant Seniors Section.

All Broadway club members over the age of 60 are eligible to join the Seniors Section, there is no official registration process and no charge.

There is competitive Seniors golf every Monday (except Bank Holidays) and the tee is reserved from 08.00 till 10.30.  In addition there is a Senior’s roll up at around 8.00 a.m. on Wednesday and Friday though numbers are much reduced compared with Mondays when we have up to 60 players in the field.

Summer Competitions (April to end Sept.)

On Mondays through the summer we have 12 Qualifying competitions, in addition we have a Seniors Open in May and a Seniors Invitation in August and 2 away days in May and September.

On the free Mondays (there are about 8-10 of these) we play a separate set of qualifiers (individual stableford with a rolling element and an eclectic competition built in).

We also have 3 individual KO competitions and a 2 round pairs competition. We play 24 friendly matches (12 home and away) against other local clubs and a match against the Ladies section and the men's B-Team.

Winter Competitions (October to end March) 

On a Monday we have mainly team competitions in a random draw (Texas Scramble, Best 2 out of 3, Greensomes etc) and we operate a handicap cutting process to ensure prize money is spread around.

To enter a Monday competition you enter your name down on an entry sheet posted on the Seniors Notice Board. The sheets are posted 3-4 weeks ahead of the date of the competition. On the day, you pick up your card and pay £2 entry fee at the Pro shop.

Financially we are self-sufficient and contribute generously to the Club itself as well as several club charities and give support to the Juniors section. We also give gratuities to the staff from our funds as well as subsidising some of our events.

Socially we have an Annual Dinner and Prize Giving in November which include wives/partners/lady friends. The Dinner is very popular with well over 100 attending.

We disseminate information regularly to over 100 members by e-mail of which over 80 are regular players. Our overall objective is to provide regular competitive golf for senior players in an enjoyable atmosphere where winning is not all and the camaraderie and companionship have their place.

Junior Golf

Broadway Golf Club runs a very vibrant Junior Section and we are committed to increasing our junior numbers even further. With annual subscriptions starting at just £50 it represents great value for money.

Although our juniors are welcome on the course at all times they do have their own special reserve tee time at 9:00am on a Saturday morning when they play in either the Junior Trophy Competitions or a Fun League that runs all year. We also meet at 5:30pm on a Tuesday when adults and juniors play together over 9 holes. No matter what your age or ability we can accomodate you.

Get in touch to find out more.

Email the Office at or give us a call on 01386 853683 or contact the Club Professional on 01386 853275 or email

We look forward to hearing from you.

National GolfMark Award

The scheme evaluates and assesses three areas of a Club's junior section, namely, coaching and playing; club environment, and child protection and duty of care.

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